Dear Dad…

Dear Dad, I trust this finds you well. It’s been a while since we’ve chatted, and a lot has happened here. I’m mostly retired these days, and enjoying just the one rental cabin, and occasional weddings. I’m pretty sure this is what I’ll be doing the rest of my life, and this is where I’ll […]


What’s for dinner? Ah, Roma!

Oh this day.  I began with friends, spent it lounging, shopping, walking, sharing pictures, wallowing in domestic bliss, and visiting with my beau. And then, dinner. Early, thank goodness, because it was stupendous and far far too much food. Superb food. Coma inducing food.  No pasta for this girl, today. I’d been craving beef and […]


A Moment’s Introspection

I stand, stock still, frozen, immobilized, and more – petrified, but not in the sense of danger, rather in the sense of one once biological, living and moving freely through space, and now motionless rock, stony, solid and everlasting, and I’ve gone and used up all my commas in the first sentence. But I’m like […]


The Wolf Moon

Certainly, the full moon has lit the bedroom before. Regularly. This, though, this was different.


Retirement Plans

Decades ago, when Florida first got a lottery, Larry would joke that his retirement plan had nothing to do with working at Martin Marietta, he just needed six numbers. We trotted that out for years. Every time we bought lottery tickets, we called them our retirement plan. Every time someone mentioned a retirement plan, one […]


An Excellent Decision

So often, I question my choices. Some of them are impossible to recant. It’s a matter of gathering all the information I can at the moment, measuring the options, and then making a leap of faith. And some of those choices are fraught with emotion, which is what I faced as I stood in the […]


Hanging the Moon

The Sun and Moon sculpture, from Venice, hangs on my wall as a tribute to me and Larry.  It was our ‘thing’.  He wore a sun charm on a gold chain.  When we fell in love, I gave him a lady-in-the-moon charm, because I told him he brought me into the light.  He was still […]


Everlasting Love and the Meaning of Life

Ok, y’all get ready for some really heavy stuff.  This is the real deal.  Meaning of life and all that. Seriously.  Now maybe y’all don’t think I’ve got what it takes to talk about that.  But you’ve all heard me say, just about forever, “This is the romance of the century.  I just don’t have […]


A Singular Pilgrimage

I’m pretty sure we live this life in the singular.  We come into it alone, we go out alone, and we live all the in-between alone.  That’s not to say we don’t have company.  Family, friends, community, humanity, it’s all there.  Around us.  With us, even.  But you do live in your own head.  Alone.  […]


Farewell to Wendy Mills

How many thousands of times have I said, “Once you’re my bride, you’re always my bride!” I’ve meant it, too, every single time.  The brides that pass through these doors carry a bit of my heart away with them.  The grooms are my heroes, knights in shining armor, sweeping their darlings into their arms and […]
