Why have a Destination Wedding?  (Article by The Knot)

The folks at The Knot took the time to compose a thoughtful article about Destination Weddings I thought you might enjoy.  We just celebrated a beautiful destination wedding with an English family, here at Timberwolf Creek.  Lots of fun and love-filled houses make for a meaningful wedding and a great vacation, rolled into one!

For me, of course, the fun part was listening to Kerraleigh describe asking,  in her small and very proper British accent, “Martin, fancy getting married in America?”  I’m so very glad he said yes!  The entire family is delightful, every single one, and I wish they all lived next door to me.  Of course, I’m developing quite a list of folks I wish lived next door to me, and am going to need an entire resort just to accommdate them, before long!

Hey.  Life is good.


One Response

  1. There is no prouder moment than seeing your daughter marry a wonderful man, so how can you achieve perfection for such a wonderful occasion? Invite Sandee and Larry, Rhonda and Nick to take care of the proceedings…that’s how!!! As a family we travelled from England to the amazing Great Smoky Mountains for this special day, and we were truly treated like royalty by our amazing hosts, who catered for our every need (including the purchase of a kettle for us English tea drinkers)!!!. Our memories will hold dear not just for the occasion of Kerraleigh and Martin’s wedding, but for the wonderful place that is Timberwolf creek and the amazing hosts that made us feel so very special and so very welcome.
    God Bless you all
    Chris & Helen (Brides parents)